Beyonce Knowles at singing show

The full name of Beyonce Knowles is Beyonce Giselle Knowles Carter. The world famous American singer, actress and songwriter was born on 4 September 1981 at Houston, Texas, U.S.A. She is one of the best selling artists of all times and has won the prestigious Grammy Awards 17 times. Beyonce has got a voluptuous figure. Her height is 5 feet and 6 and a half inches and weight is 59 kilograms.

Beyonce Knowles gave birth to a girl about a year ago. The name of her daughter is Blue Ivy. She has worked quite hard to be in shape after pregnancy. To keep her post baby body fit, she is undertaking a lot of exercises and is following strict diet regime. During the pregnancy period she gained around 60 pounds of weight. To lose this weight she had to eat lettuce and do her workouts on treadmill.

According to Beyonce eating what she wants and not going to gym is not an option for her. According to her being in shape requires more mental strength than physical strength and it is important to work hard on whatever program you follow.

Beyonce Knowles Workout

Marco Borges is her physical trainer and Beyonce is a fan of her trainer. Marco has trained Beyonce on his signature Power Moves Training Philosophy. By using this philosophy, Beyonce can workout many of her muscle groups at a time. Beyonce is able to burn more calories in less time by doing interval training. This training involves exercising on the treadmill and following alternate exercises of running and sprinting.

Beyonce also takes her time out of her very busy schedule for doing many exercises that help her to reduce more calories. These workouts take less than 5 minutes of her time and she can perform these exercises anywhere. These exercises include lunges, planks, squats etc. Beyonce motivates herself for the exercising and music serves as one of her prime motivating factors. She says that she puts on a song that she likes in the background and performs exercises like bicep curls (with five pound weight) and other exercises. These exercises help her burn out the extra calories while music refreshes her mind and helps her perform better.

Day to Day Fitness Schedule

The workout created by Beyonce trainer Marco Borges is designed on a day to day basis. Apart from cardio vascular exercises she also does stair running and sprints for weight control. The workouts have been so designed that they work out all 4 major body joints. This helps them to perform faster and better. These four joints are elbows, knee, hips and shoulders. The day to day workouts of Beyonce are given below. Beyonce tries around 12-15 repetitions of each exercise. Beyonce does warm up exercises of 5 minutes before each day’s routine workout.

  • Monday Workout – The workout consists of 5 minute warm up session and circuit training. Circuit training includes exercises like reverse lunges, squats and press, cobra planks, push ups, pike push ups, bicycle crunches, straight leg crunches, reverse dips and V-ups. Treadmill workout of 1 minute sprint or 1 minute slow jogging is also included.
  • Tuesday Workout – The circuit training exercises and cardiovascular exercises of Tuesday include front and back lunges, overhead medicine ball squat, single leg deadlift, lunge with twist, dumbbell rows, Spiderman push ups, medicine ball lunge with twist, abdominal twists, forearm plank and leg lift and treadmill workout.
  • Wednesday Workout – The day has exercises like stability ball curls, jumping lunges, l-pull ups, reverse grip bicep curls, resistance ball chest press, shoulder raises, triceps extensions, twisting planks, shoulder raises, resistance ball chest press, medicine ball toe touches and treadmill sprint or run.
  • Her various days have different cardiovascular and body circuit exercises which work the four joints of body. There is rest interval during these exercises. A book by Marco Borges was recently published which has the details of Beyonce workouts and other exercises as well. The title of the book is Power Moves: The Four Motions to Transform Your Body.

    Beyonce Knowles Diet

    Beyonce did breastfeeding for her child and says that it is a good way of losing weight. She also advises other women to do breast feeding in order to lose weight. She says that one vegetarian meal a day helped her lose 57 pound of weight in her post pregnancy period. Marco says that it is important that a person does not sacrifice nutrition while being on snacks. Beyonce took a lot of green leafy vegetables in her vegan diet which provided her adequate nutrition. Other food items and vegetables that include her diet are cucumbers sprinkled with vinegars, green apple, edamame, lemon and cayenne pepper. There are times when Beyonce needs to shed her weight in a short time. During these times she skips her full meal lunch and opts for a protein shake.

    By following a strict diet regimen and by working out daily, Beyonce aims at improving her figure and lessen her weight. The best seller music artist seems to be achieving her goals and has lost considerable amount of weight is short time. The great share of the success of her fitness schedule goes to her fitness trainer Marco Borges, who designed a customized workout routine for Beyonce.
